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本文节选自Sports Illustrated的The Top Moments of Gareth Bale’s Career一文,作者为Marcus Krum


Bale made a career out of captivating fans by capturing the spotlight time and time again.

captivating:迷人的,有魅力的  Someone or something that is captivating fascinates or attracts you.


1. 面对国米打入帽子戏法


Bale was unfazed coming out of the half. Twice he streaked down the left sideline past Maicon, one of the most accomplished right backs of his generation, and pummeled the ball into the goal at the far post. He scored a third in the 91st minute to bring the deficit to 4–3. The comeback fell short, but it surely inspired Tottenham, who beat Inter 3–1 at home several weeks later.


unfazed:不紧张的  not disconcerted; unperturbed

streak:这里作动词,表示“疾驰” If something or someone streaks somewhere, they move there very quickly.


2. 转会皇马



Having just poached midfielder Luka Modrić the year before, Los Blancos spent a then-world-record $111 million to secure the 24-year-old Bale. It took some convincing (and a reported standoff with the star) for Tottenham chairman Daniel Levy to let go of the prized young winger. In the end, Spurs nabbed the record fee and Madrid retooled to go after La Liga and the Champions League.


it took some convincing...:经过激烈的讨论/争论

standoff:僵局 A standoff is a situation in which neither of two opposing groups or forces will make a move until the other one does something, so nothing can happen until one of them gives way.

3. 2014年国王杯战胜巴萨



The two archrivals were deadlocked heading into the game’s waning minutes. Receiving a ball down the left flank, Bale turned to see defender Marc Bartra flat-footed. He took a seemingly heavy touch and maneuvered around Bartra, whose attempt to shield him from the ball was futile, before latching back onto it and finishing cooly between the legs of the goalkeeper. It was a classic Bale goal in every sense of the word: The push of the ball past the right back, the otherworldly pace to catch up, and the composed finish in a critical spot.

deadlock:僵局 If a dispute or series of negotiations reaches deadlock, neither side is willing to give in at all and no agreement can be made.



latch onto:紧紧抓住 

otherworldly:超凡脱俗的 Otherworldly people, things, and places seem strange or spiritual, and not much connected with ordinary things.

4. 带领威尔士杀入2016欧洲杯半决赛



The miracle continued when Wales scraped past Northern Ireland in the round of 16. Then, in a true David vs. Goliath fashion, Bale and Co. dispatched Real Madrid teammate Eden Hazard’s Belgium 3–1. It was perhaps the nation’s greatest-ever moment on a pitch. Wales fell to eventual champion Portugal in the semifinals, but the historic run will forever live on in the country’s soccer lore.


5. 2018欧冠决赛大显神威



Bale arrived off the bench in a 1–1 tie in the 61st minute and made an immediate and shocking impact. Left back Marcelo whipped a cross into the box with some pace, and Bale launched himself into the air to hit a perfectly-timed overhead kick past goalkeeper Loris Karius and into the top corner. Even manager Zinedine Zidane, who had his own penchant for stunning goals, couldn’t quite believe what he saw. Bale got another goal in the final minutes of the match on an error by Karius to secure Real Madrid’s third consecutive Champions League title.

penchant for:特别的喜好,倾向于 If someone has a penchant for something, they have a special liking for it or a tendency to do it. 

consecutive:连续的 Consecutive periods of time or events happen one after the other without interruption.

6. 绝平助洛杉矶FC获美职联总决赛冠军



LAFC found a late winner against the L.A. Galaxy in the conference semifinals then dominated Austin FC in the conference final to reach its first ever MLS Cup final. A wacky back-and-forth match against the Philadelphia Union saw Bale come onto the pitch in the 97th minute and his side go down 3–2 in the 124th. That scoreline stood for all of four minutes, when the Welsh super sub sent home a last-ditch effort to equalize and send things to penalties, where LAFC would ultimately prevail.


last-ditch:孤注一掷的  A last-ditch action is done only because there are no other ways left to achieve something or to prevent something from happening. It is often done without much hope that it will succeed. 

7. 2022年,第一场世界杯决赛圈比赛



Bale unsurprisingly played hero once again for the Dragons in their first World Cup match in 64 years. Trailing the U.S. 1–0, It was the 33-year-old that drew a penalty and buried it past goalkeeper Matt Turner in the 82nd minute. The dream of a run like its Euro 2016 campaign fizzled out after a 2–0 loss to Iran and 3–0 defeat to England, but the country of just over three million finally got the World Cup moment it desired for decades.

fizzle out:告吹,失败

